Pond Farm is a residential development is located to the south of Iwade, Sittingbourne between Sheppey Way and Grovehurst Road. These two roads connect the area to the A249 and are used by a fair amount of traffic. Controlling road traffic noise at the site was therefore a challenge.
To assess the noise levels across the proposed site, a combination of noise surveys and detailed noise modelling work was undertaken. The noise modelling exercise allowed for various design options to be evaluated for reducing noise levels across the site.
Through strategic placement of the properties along with the use of a limited amount of acoustic barriers, we were able to reduce noise levels in the garden areas to within Swale Borough Council’s acoustic requirements. This limited the need for separate noise mitigation limiting costs.
With respect to indoor noise conditions, acoustic glazing and acoustic ventilation had to be specified in some areas to achieve Swale Borough Council’s noise requirements.
Despite the challenging noise climate, Lustre Consulting successfully prepared the noise assessment report to help gain Planning Permission. The development was under construction by Persimmon Homes in 2022.
How we can protect your construction site from unnecessary delays and costs. If piling is part of your construction plans, a piling risk assessment could be a vital step to avoid potential problems that could disrupt your project, including: Piling risk assessments are now explicitly referenced within the Environment Agency’s Land Contamination Risk Management Guidance […]
How we can protect...
A surface water soakaway is used to capture then allow the infiltration and filtration of water runoff through a subsoil to the water table below. Your soakaway should provide sufficient short-term storage of surface water and allow the surface water to percolate into the surrounding ground. The National House-Building Council (NHBC) provides detailed guidance on […]
A surface water...
Working on a construction project can come with a long ‘to do’ list. Not only that, but you have to deal with the stress of navigating planning conditions as well as numerous building regulations. Acoustic issues don’t have to further complicate this process. Could an Acoustic Assessment be a requirement for your site? Of all […]
Working on a...
Contamination is not always something that can be seen; often contamination is invisible, buried below ground or is present in perfectly normal looking topsoil.
This is a question...